Palworld | Server Admin Commands Print

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  • Commands must be executed in-game or via RCON.
  • You must set up an Admin Password in order to grand your self permission before using these commands. Otherwise, you will receive a permission error.


Command Description

/Shutdown [Seconds] [Message Text]

This command will shut down the server with the specified message after the seconds delay expires.


Immediately stop the server with this command.

/Broadcast [Message Text]

Broadcast a message to every connected player from the server.

/KickPlayer [Player ID or Steam ID]

Disconnects the specified player from the server.

/BanPlayer [Player ID or Steam ID]

There is no unban command currently, to unban a player you need to delete their name from Pal/Saved/SaveGames/banlist.txt

/TeleportToPlayer [Player ID or Steam ID]

Teleports you to the location of the specified player. This command cannot be ran from the console.

/TeleportToMe [Player ID or Steam ID]

Teleports the specified player to your location. This command also can't be used from the console.


Displays information like the player IDs and Steam IDs of all connected players.


Displays information about the server.


This command force saves the world data.


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