Updated for Patch 18 Hotfix #1 and above
After the introduction of patch #18, modding in Mordhau has become even simpler to perform. It's a few easy steps which follow:
First, find all the mods you want here: https://mordhau.mod.io/
Make sure to take a note of their Mod ID's.
- Stop your server
- Select "Configuration Files"
- Select "Text-Editor" next to "Game.ini"
- Add the line "Mods=" underneath [/Script/Mordhau.MordhauGameSession]
- After the = add the Mod ID of the mod, For Example, Mods=71385 if I wanted to add the LiteMordhauTestLevel64 Map Mod found here: https://mordhau.mod.io/litemordhautestlevel64
- If you want to use more than one mod, you copy and paste the "Mods=" line below the previous "Mods=" line and change the ID, For Example:
- Save the file in the top left
- Start the server
You've successfully modded your Mordhau server!